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Guidelines for

Holiday Travel & Gatherings 

Staying Safe

Holiday gatherings and travel significantly increase the risk of the spread of disease at school. We understand that many families want to travel or gather with others outside their cohort during the Thanksgiving and Winter breaks.


While we strongly encourage you to gather digitally rather than in person, we are providing guidelines and rules for returning to school for families that attend gatherings or travel during the holidays.

General Guidelines

Air Travel: If you travel by plane, you and your family will be required to quarantine from school for 14 days after you return from your trip.


Travel by Car: Travelling by car within California does not require you to quarantine if you stay six feet away from others outside your current cohort on your trip, always wear a mask around others outside your cohort, keep exposure in public places (store, restaurants, etc.) to less than 15 minutes, and avoid crowds and group gatherings. If you travel out of state, you will be required to quarantine for 14 days upon your return.


Guests from out of town: Your cohort/household includes only those who you are currently quarantining with. If anyone else enters your household (e.g. family members flying in to town) the entire household would need to quarantine for 14 days OR that person would need to quarantine alone for 14 days before joining your household unit.


Gathering Indoors: Gathering indoors with people outside of your immediate cohort for more than 15 minutes total during a 24 hour period qualifies as exposure and will require you to quarantine from school for 14 days after the gathering.


Gathering Outdoors: Gathering outdoors does not require you to quarantine as long as you maintain social distance and wear masks when not eating.


Public Gatherings: If you attend a public gathering that does not allow you to maintain social distance, you and your family will be required to quarantine from school for 14 days (this includes Black Friday shopping in-person).



Thanksgiving Break is November 25 – 29.

TIP: Because Thanksgiving Break is short, digital gatherings are the best way to socialize and not have to miss school after the break.


School is open the Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving.

Winter Break


Winter Break is December 21 – January 3.

TIPWinter Break is long! If you wish to gather in-person with others outside your cohort, gather the first weekend of the break. You'll have the two weeks of the break to quarantine.


There is no daycare during Winter Break this year.

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